Structural Integration
Structural Integration (SI) is a hands-on bodywork therapy for creating greater ease, improving posture, decreasing symptoms of pain and discomfort, and speeding recovery from injuries. The basis of the work is aligning one’s physical structure in gravity. This allows a person to be more easily supported, find more fluid movement, and gain more comfort and ease in daily activities and athletic pursuits.
Structural Integration addresses the underlying causes of pain by working on the strain patterns that occur throughout the entire body, not just on the symptoms of pain and tension those patterns express. These whole body strain patterns are caused by general stress and tension, by acute injuries and how we’ve compensated for injuries, from repetitive strains due to work habits or sports, chronic emotional states, as well as from the strains of everyday life and activities.
Structural Integration comes from the extensive work and practice of Dr. Ida Rolf. Rolf Practitioners assess the range of motion available in joints and limbs, observe walking patterns and posture, then work the web of connective tissue including; muscles, fascia, ligaments, tendons, nerves and joints to create more balanced length, increased range of motion, improved posture and flexibility. This relieves or eliminates aches and pains, and integrates the whole body with gravity and with itself.
How is Structural Integration different from Massage and what to expect?
Structural Integration is often done as a series of ten treatments, this approach invites clients into a whole system commitment to change. The series builds greater support into the body system which in turn invites the transformation of long held strain patterns. SI work is done skin-on-skin, no lotion or oil is used. The work is kept at a depth that creates sensations of ease, release, expansion, and lengthening. The practitioner may hold certain positions while waiting for the tissue to release. Pressure is gentle to moderate, slow and gradual. Clients will be invited into specific movements on the table to support the softening and release of tissue.
Sessions begin and end with a standing structural assessment where the practitioner and client look at the clients' form and structure with an eye towards rotations, tilts, shifts and bends in the clients’ spine, pelvis, shoulder girdles and neck in relation to gravity. Clients are encouraged to wear sports bras and underwear, short athletic shorts or bathing suits to their comfort for assessment and work.
Clients may feel a variety of sensations post treatment. They may feel relaxed, lighter, taller, they may feel more weight in their feet and legs, more grounded and balanced. They may feel tender, physically and emotionally. They may feel energized, they may also feel tired. Most feel a noticeable softening of tension and easing of mobility.
Individual sessions are useful for treatment of specific symptoms.
Sessions are not covered by insurance at this time.