Ozone Therapy
Ozone is a highly active form of oxygen that supercharges the body’s own healing abilities. Ozone therapy is the use of ozone in various areas of the body via a variety of techniques to heal, regenerate, oxygenate and detoxify the individual cells throughout the body. At Taos Whole Health, we use ozone therapy in the form of intravenous ozone, ozonated saline, ozone insufflation, along with other techniques under the supervision of highly trained physicians.
Ozone therapy increases mitochondrial function and increases oxygen and energy in the cells, which decreases inflammation and allows the body to release and eliminate toxins while simultaneously increasing energy and stamina. This means that ozone therapy can be used to improve performance, energy and detoxification in healthy individuals, as well as used to treat a variety of chronic diseases including inflammatory diseases, autoimmune diseases, cardiovascular disease, cancer, fibromyalgia, chronic pain syndromes, diabetes, viral infections, Lyme disease, chronic fatigue syndrome, chemical sensitivities, macular degeneration, chronic bladder conditions, colitis and more.
A huge advantage to ozone therapy is the lack of downtime required after treatment. The effects of ozone therapy can be felt relatively quickly, some patients have reported feeling results immediately. Although, typically results are felt within a week. Generally, patients can walk out of the clinic able to return to life as usual.