You can now visit with your doctor or nurse practitioner from the comfort of your own home. It’s easier than you think!
Taos Whole Health is now routinely doing video visits and we highly recommend that you receive your care this way until this pandemic is over. You just need a smartphone or a computer with a camera to participate in these visits through You will be surprised at how easy it is! Your insurance will be billed the same way as if you are seen in the office. If you do get sick in the coming weeks, this will be a really important way to connect with us. If you have an upcoming office visit, you will be receiving a call from our office to convert it to a video visit.
Taos Whole Health is a small, local business and we anticipate that these are going to be challenging times ahead. Our sustainability as a clinic depends on our ability to see our patients, so rescheduling your appointments as video visits rather than canceling them is a wonderful way to show us your support during this unprecedented time. We are here to serve you and we thank you for your flexibility.
Continuing the care you deserve.
We do not want our pediatric patients to get behind on vaccines during this time, so we are now offering “Drive-By Vaccines”. If you are more comfortable staying in your car rather than coming into the clinic, we can come to your car to administer vaccines to your car.
We will continue to draw labs in our clinic as we always have, especially in this time so you do not have to go to the hospital. Call the front desk to schedule your labs. Please remember that labs must be drawn before 11 am.
As you know, there is very little regulation over the quality or content of supplements. TWH is very selective about which brands we carry, and we obtain supplements only from reputable suppliers.
We are now working with to be able to maintain your access to high-quality supplements and herbal support while also staying safe at home. It is also an important opportunity to continue to support Taos Whole Health during this difficult economic time and to keep resources flowing into our local economy so that the services we love will be there for the long term.
Over the weekend you may have received an email directly from Wellevate to access your account. If you did not receive an email please let us know and we will create an account for you right away. Because these are professional-grade supplements you will not be able to order without an account, and we are working hard to grant access for everyone in our practice.
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