We hope you have had a healthy and positive start to the New Year. We know that many of you are anxiously awaiting your COVID vaccines. Below is all the information we have to share at this time.
First of all, we wanted to let you know that the Taos Whole Health team of clinicians received their first dose of COVID-19 immunizations in late December and will be fully immunized by mid-January. We are very grateful to have received these immunizations and so appreciate all of the work that has gone into developing and distributing them so rapidly. And we look forward to feeling even safer as we care for you.
Vaccine distribution in Taos has been going very smoothly and quickly. This month, all of the healthcare providers and first responders will be receiving their second doses and we expect to start being able to offer vaccines to those of you who are 75 yrs and older and those of you who are 65 to 74 with high-risk health conditions in the next few weeks. Please understand that the exact criteria for distribution are set by the NM Department of Health, not us, and have still not been finalized.
Our clinic has signed up to be a distribution site for COVID vaccines but we have not yet heard from the NMDOH about when we can expect to receive our vaccines. In the meantime, we are making appropriate preparations.  The earliest vaccines will likely be given at Holy Cross, where they have a very efficient and COVID-safe vaccine clinic set up.
Here are some things that you can do to best prepare in these coming weeks:
Register for your vaccine at  https://cvvaccine.nmhealth.org/. If you have family members, neighbors, or friends who aren’t internet-savvy, please offer your help to them to get them signed up as well. The registration process is straightforward: you create a profile, enter health and other information, and then wait to receive notification from DOH when the vaccine is available to you. Users who have other vaccine-related questions can call 1-855-600-3453 and simply press option 0 for vaccine questions.
Answer your phone! You may be receiving a call from us or Holy Cross about your appointment for a vaccine and it is very important that we are able to reach you in a timely manner.
Educate yourself about the vaccines.  We trust them and feel they are safe, effective, and well-tolerated based on the data that is currently available. Here are a few good resources:
       NM Department of Health
       Vaccine Education Center
Continue to adhere to the current public health measures – avoiding gatherings, wearing a mask, washing your hands, and socially distancing. This is not a time to let your guard down.
Please practice patience and kindness. It is going to take months to get the vaccine to everyone who wants one and we really appreciate your patience along the way!
As soon as we have more information, we will send out more emails, and or start scheduling patients based on the department of health criteria once we have vaccines to distribute, so there is no need to call our office, and the increased traffic may actually delay our ability to provide services.
Thank you so much.
Taos Whole Health