Major Autohemotherapy
During Major Auto-Hemotherapy (MAH) a patient’s own blood is drawn and infused with medical grade ozone gas before it is intravenously returned to the body. Because of the ozone, this blood is super oxygenated. Blood treated with ozone helps destroy pathogens, and appears to have the effect of an autogenous (self-generated) vaccine when reintroduced into the bloodstream.
MAH is safe, and effective. Benefits of Major Auto-Hemotherapy include increased production of white blood cells, interferon, and interleuken-2, and tumor necrosis factor which are utilized by the body to fight infections and cancer. MAH also kills bacteria and viruses and increases red blood cell membrane distendability, making it a viable treatment for heart disease.
For more information about Major Autohemotherapy and current research regarding this technique, check out